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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Home Base Network Marketing

Many times people find themselves in a bind and need a few quick ways to make money fast...If that's you, then here are a few ways to make money from home fast.

Fast Money Making Secret #1: eBay Marketing
You'll be surprised what sells on eBay. If you look around your house, I bet there is at least $500 worth of "stuff" that you can sell on eBay within the week.

My favorite way to make money using eBay is with information products. Compile some information into an ebook in a market that is passionate and has some buzz building right now.
Then sell the ebook on eBay, or you can find a product that is already selling well on ebay by looking through the completed listings and find a drop-shipper and market the product to an already existing hot market.

Fast Money Making Secret #2: Craigslist Marketing
Go to and find a product that has a large market (mass appeal) and get your affiliate link for that product (You must sign-up for a free account first). Then go to and write a classified ad for the product.

Then everyday, sometimes even 2-3 times a day, change the ad slightly and post the ad again. Make sure to put your unique affiliate link at the end of the ad so you get credit for any sales that are made from your referrals.

Fast Money Making Secret #3: PPC Affiliate Marketing
(PPC = Pay Per Click)
Go to and sign-up for an Adwords account. Then, find a hot affiliate product at or and get your affiliate link.

Then, brainstorm some good keywords that people who would search for that would use, and are related to that product. Download the free Good Keywords Software to further expand your keyword list. You could also use the keyword software tool that I use, Keyword Elite.

Once you have your keyword list together, login to your Google Adwords account and create a new campaign. Write your Adwords Ad and add your keywords.

Make sure that the destination URL is your unique affiliate link. You are basically sending the clicks or traffic straight to your affiliate partner.

For some keywords, you may want to create a landing page that then directs your traffic to your affiliate program.

Google only allows one ad, the one with the highest rank, to be included in their listing that points to the same domain. If there are two ads running, yours and someone else's, that point to the same domain for the same keyword, Google will take the one that is ranked the highest.

...But if you point the traffic to your domain or blog, then funnel the traffic from there to your affiliate site, then you won't have to compete with the other ad and still get listed.

At first, Don't bid any more than $.05 per click.

To your immediate and lasting make money from home success!

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